Palace Of Illusions-Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

The more I read mythological books I’m getting tied in a web of confusions… Where fiction ends and unsure how to hold on to the beliefs that we formed growing up. All in all do read this book in a cozy chilled corner this hot Summer.

Did you know that Draupadi was secretly in love with Karna? I din’t….My knowledge of Mahabarath is limited to what was shown on TV & this angle took me by surprise.

PALACE OF ILLUSIONS was truly an enjoyable read. The story scripted to showcase Draupadi’s emotions and how a women scorned can create a history that will be remembered for many eons.

This book gives you a peek into the power that a women can wield. Had goosebumps when reading the tumbling thoughts that she was experiencing while husbands were preparing for the biggest war that would define Bharath and the emotions that she felt during the vastrabharana and reliving her worst nightmare with Keechak. How the most powerful of men that we know, read about their heroism and use them as adjectives when search for right words to describe bravery& strength couldn’t come to her rescue during her vulnerable moment.

UUffff this book kept me up many a nights and wanted me to sneak in a few hrs of reading during day time too..its a feeling akin to a child trying to coax a chocolate bar from the parent before dinner.

All in all pick it up from the shelf and start your journey with Draupadi and her 5 husbands.